[Eph 2:10 ESV] 10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
In 1955, Citroen launched a car so radical, so far ahead of its time that it was called the ‘Goddess’ - one of the most beautiful cars every produced. This is just a hint of you and I. A design of infinite worth, crafted after God’s image, fearfully and wonderfully made. Yet people are fallen. Like an old Citroen in a barn, we are rusty and neglected, affecting the way we view ourselves. As
His workmanship we have with a unique calling on our lives to love others the way we love ourselves. As you value your own ‘workmanship’, the person who God has created you to be, your love for others will only increase!